Saturday, August 30, 2014

Quality is that invisible detail.

I was shocked to see the celebrated speaker get out of his dirty car… so dirty that I wouldn’t even touch it with gloves on my left hand… the inside of the car was the closest I have seen to a garbage chute… the speaker was going to deliver a lecture on ‘Quality of Life’. Hmmm… I have seen disciples walking out of a spiritual meet, cleaning the dirt in their eyes… a confirmation that people who don’t even care about the cleanliness of their bodies seek the cleansing of their souls… what ignorance! They don’t even bathe, but they want their lives to be bathed by the grace of their Guru. I have seen sales personnel with unshaven faces, unpolished shoes, badly worn ties, screaming their sales pitch on the ‘World-class Quality’ of their products and services.
We ought to realize that quality begins on the inside and then works its way out. The quality of what we give depends on the quality of what we have; the quality of what we have depends on the quality of what we do; and the quality of what we do depends on the quality of what we are. Quality consciousness is expecting more from yourself than what anyone else expects of you. Quality consciousness is setting higher standards for yourself than what the world has set for you. Quality consciousness is the belief that everything can and must be improved. Quality is about not having a hole in your socks… no creaking doors… all the clocks in the house showing the same time… no torn upholstery… no dirty fans, no cobwebs on the wall, no leaking taps… the phone picked up within five rings… no surfaces with the paint peeling off … staff washrooms so clean that one can actually lie down on the floor… door latches that work…
Quality – the presence of which is seldom noticed, but the absence of which can never be missed. Quality is about detailed excellence in areas that others might not even notice… A flower is a flower, with or without the fragrance; yet the presence of the fragrance makes all the difference. Quality is that invisible detail… the presence of which makes all the difference.

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